Rapper claims a friend accidentally sent tweet of department phone numbers, resulting in 'overwhelmed' lines.
It's no secret that Game has an itchy Twitter finger, and now a tweet from his account has landed him in hot water with the police. After a message appeared on the West Coast rapper's Twitter asking aspiring interns to call the sheriff's station in Compton, the station's phone lines were flooded with calls. The resulting calls reportedly caused a delay in emergency services, including a missing person report, a spousal assault incident, two robberies and a stolen car incident. Now the sheriff's department is looking to hit the rapper up with a series of charges.A press release issued to Gerald Mbago Blog News by the Los Angeles County Sherriff's Department said that the phone calls started at about 5:23 p.m. PT on Friday (August 12) and didn't subside until a few hours later, at 8.
"These needless phone calls interfered with the ability of sheriff's desk personnel to answer the business line phones and 9-1-1 calls, and for dispatchers to send help to people who really needed it," said Captain Mike Parker of the Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau. "We don't know how many people needed help but couldn't get through the overwhelmed phone lines."
Parker tweeted the Game directly, alerting him that his initial call-out was jeopardizing public safety. Game, however, told TMZ.com that he wasn't responsible for the tweet, and that a friend accidently sent the message from the rapper's phone while he was at a photo shoot on Friday.
The sheriff's department is now presenting their case to the district attorney's office in consideration of a criminal filing of three charges including annoying or harassing phone calls via electronic device or Internet, delaying or obstructing peace officers in the performance of their duties, and knowingly and maliciously disrupting or impeding communications over a public safety radio frequency.
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